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thông tin - Stockbook

With 13 years of experience in the financial market, VNDIRECT understands that equipping knowledge is of paramount importance to any investor before starting the investment journey. With the philosophy that learning from books – learning from practice – learning from experts, and learning from the community, we create STOCKBOOK – Knowledge Base for domestic and foreign investors who are interested in the investment market. Vietnamese finance. It allows Investors to connect with Financial Professionals, Listed Companies, Brokerage Teams, Product Advisory Teams, through the form of social networking and online connection tools.

The Stockbook is the 3rd piece of the entire Knowledge ecosystem that VNDIRECT wishes to bring to the Community (besides the Virtual Class System and Live Class Program is held weekly at all VNDIRECT Branches. ).


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Investment Knowledge Network where you can find information on all financial investment products and learning invest

A community of experts with quality and in-depth content on investment topics that you are interested in

The only platform that helps investors interact directly, realtime and transparency with listed businesses

The only app that shows you which stocks are of interest and how the community perceives the market

Anyone can join STOCKBOOK today by visiting or downloading the app on AppStore (for iOS) and GooglePlay (for Android OS).


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